Diane Bowie Zaitlin

Artist’s Statement

Artmaking is the exercise of attention, a call to presence, an engagement of all my senses to convey my connection and response to the world around me.  As an artist, I challenge myself to see the world with fresh eyes each day.  It is a life-affirming action that helps me grow both spiritually and artistically.  I must slow down enough to observe, contemplate, and admire the beauty that surrounds me and to deepen my connection to life. I strive to convey a dynamic sense of rhythm, internal energy and the pulse of my natural surroundings.  The process of artmaking is at once emotive and meditative.  I must slow down and dredge my personal life experiences and struggles to seek order, meaning and connection. I am aware of how each color, shape, gesture and image in the painting is interconnected.  The painting process helps me make sense of the world and explore the depth of lived experience.


Cynthia Winings